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Chat with the team on the RIT SPEX Slack in the #alumni-hab channel.

Follow development

To track tasks and log progress, we've set up a JIRA for this project.

Submit your designs

Nucleus is an open source project. All of the source code and documentation is hosted on the Nucleus GitHub repository.

Submit your contributions as a pull request to this repository!

Adding to documentation

Nucleus documentation is powered by MkDocs, the backend that builds markdown files into a beautiful website. Whenever changes to get pushed to main, MkDocs is run via GitHub Actions and serves the result at


Edit the docs as Markdown files, then use mkdocs serve to preview them in your browser.

In addition to all GitHub flavor markdown, admonitions and footnotes are also allowed.

Even more extensions are available for MkDocs, just add them to the mkdocs.yml to use them.

Adding new pages

To add a new page to the documentation, create a new .md file and place it under the docs/ directory. Add the page as a new item in the navigation bar by adding a new key to the mkdocs.yml under nav, where the key is how it will show up in the navigation bar and the value is the path to the corresponding markdown file.

  - My New Page Title:

Other nested navigation bar items are generated from headings inside the file.

Building the documentation locally

Install MkDocs to your machine or virtual environment.

pip install mkdocs

Then start a server on localhost. This builds the documentation and serves the site locally. This server updates live when edits are made to the docs files, so you don't need to close or restart the server when editing.

mkdocs serve

Alternatively, just build the site files.

mkdocs build

For more help and options, refer to the mkdocs CLI help text.

mkdocs -h